Identify and Repair minor rust on your Muscle Pontiac

First step is to identify the minor rust areas on your car. Most areas are just the paint oxidizing and the primer showing with surface rust shown. These areas can be fixed by just a lot of elbow grease.

 Pontiac GTO trunk

Rust Removal

First you need to remove all of the paint and rust that is on the surface. You can use a paint remover and sandpaper for this step. After most of the paint has been removed you have to sand the surface to bare metal and make sure there are not any areas that are rusted too thin to prime and paint. There are several products that are available to help with rust removal, we are just covering surface rust on this page. Continue reading Identify and Repair minor rust on your Muscle Pontiac

Parts are parts right?-All Muscle Pontiac Parts are not created equal

When you start your search for your parts, you have to find out how much work you want to do after you have received your part. Look at the following examples of buying a carburetor for your muscle Pontiac.

pontiac carb1

First we will look at buying at a yard sale or other low price market place. The carburetor that you will receive will look like the one in the first picture. After the purchase price you will have to spend the additional money to make it work and look like it belongs on a show car. If you are just trying to get a Pontiac Muscle car on the road this may be the route you want to take. You will spend less money on this purchase up front, but in the long run you may have to put a lot more money in this purchase in the long run. Continue reading Parts are parts right?-All Muscle Pontiac Parts are not created equal

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